Archives for January 2014

On writing and reading sequences

In previous posts, I have been thinking about series and sequences and how they differ.  I have said that while “both the series and the sequence involve a journey, the series is even more journey oriented: the journey must be completed.”  In the case of the sequence, the reader need not complete reading the whole […]

On writing and reading series

In a previous post, I said that a series requires that “a piece as an individual is not as successful…as the pieces understood as a whole are successful.”  I realize I could try to elaborate, especially on the vague term “successful.” What I am trying to say through this term “successful” is a capacity to […]

Word choices: “Series” vs. “Sequence”

While an undergraduate at Rice University, I went off campus one evening with some other peers interested in poetry.  We listened to James Longenbach and followed along with handouts of poem selections. The point of his talk, as I recall, was to distinguish between a “series” and a “sequence.”  While I cannot report what he […]