What is metaphor/using metaphor

Back in March of 2012, I wrote the following “response paper” for a class on form and theory of poetry.  I thought it might be worth sharing. Don’t worry if you are unfamiliar with whom I reference or the texts I reference; the point is sharing the thoughts. … Marianne Boruch points out an unfortunate, […]

On seeking too much “meaning” when writing

Back in February of 2012, I wrote the following “response paper” for a class on form and theory of poetry.  I thought it might be worth sharing. Don’t worry if you are unfamiliar with whom I reference or the texts I reference; the point is sharing the thoughts. … William Carlos Williams says unhappily, in […]

Why you should care about conceptual poetry

To put it simply, conceptual poetry is about caring/highlighting what concepts constitute the poem—especially/most often, the concepts of process.  The way that the poem is made is as integral as what the poem is; in other words, making = being. I see this as relating to the view that the essence of a thing/being cannot […]